

You’ve finished! Well done! There was a lot that we covered in this class, but I hope you had a ton of fun throughout the process. More importantly, I hope you’re proud of yourself for the hard work you put into creating your sweet Christmas cookie collection. Make sure you show them off to everyone!

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Step-by-Step Guidebook

Below is the full Step-by-Step Guidebook for this cookie set. It includes all of the designs in one single document. Visit the “Materials” tab for a printable version of this PDF. It will also be helpful to visit the following sections for each of the five distinct shapes of this class. All of the different

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Royal Icing Transfers

In some cookie projects, you may find yourself recreating the same royal icing details over and over again.  From a production standpoint, it’s sometimes easier to tackle these little details in advance, and all at once.  That’s where royal icing transfers come in… Royal icing transfers are icing details that are made ahead of time

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Example: Forest Green

In case you could use just a little more guidance on mixing and bagging your consistencies, here’s a bonus video showing all of the steps used for thinning-out and bagging the “Forest Green” icing from this class: https://vimeo.com/891089549/c8ddd2b927?share=copy Music by www.bensound.com

Example: Forest Green Read More »